The process of creating and submitting kilometer expenses is very simple. First, log into the portal at https://mijn.gaiyo.com.
Creating a new expense report
Creating a new mileage expense claim is very easy.
- Go to ‘Expense management’ and click on ‘Transportation’ to select ‘Kilometer declaration’
- Didn't make a return trip on the same date? Then click 'Single trip’.
- Enter the desired address in the 'From' or 'To' field. Suggestions are displayed as you type. Choose the address you want to use for your claim(s). After entering the addresses, the system automatically calculates the distance for a (return) trip.
- Choose the date of your trip.
- Choose the vehicle type and drive system.
- If you make the same trip for several days, you can immediately specify which days of the month that applies. For example, you can select all working days at once.
Under 'Purpose', choose one of the trip types for your claim:
- Business
- Commuting
- You can still (optionally) enter a cost center and/or additional information.
- Then click 'Save' at the bottom of the page.
Claim status
After you have created a claim, you will see the claim line in your claim overview under 'Expense management' in the Gaiyo App. There you can also see the status of your claim(s):
- Draft
- Submitted
- Approved
- Rejected
- Processed
Gaiyo delivers all approved claims to your employer on a fixed date each month. Only approved claims can be submitted to your employer for payment.
You can submit a claim by checking the appropriate claim and selecting 'Submit' at the bottom.
If you have questions about using mileage claims, please contact Gaiyo's customer support at 0900-6624649 or business-support@gaiyo.com.
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