Your employer has made it possible for you to request reimbursement for a day of working from home through Gaiyo. The amount of compensation per day is determined by your employer.
The process of creating and submitting homework claims is very simple. First, log into the portal at
Creating a new expense report
Creating a new homework claim is very easy.
- Go to ‘Expense management’ and click on ‘Office’ to select ‘Work from home’
- Click on the days you worked at home in the calendar.
- If you have worked at home for several working days during the month, you can also select several homework days.
- Add a 'Cost center' or 'Additional information' if desired. Please note that this information is added to all expense reports and not to one particular date.
- Click on 'Save'. The created homework expense report is now shown in your expense report overview.
Claim status
After you have created a claim, you will see the claim line in your claim overview under 'Expense management' in the Gaiyo App. There you can also see the status of your claim(s):
- Draft
- Submitted
- Approved
- Rejected
- Processed
Gaiyo delivers all approved claims to your employer on a fixed date each month. Only approved claims can be submitted to your employer for payment.
You can submit a claim by checking the appropriate claim and selecting 'Submit' at the bottom.
If you have questions about using mileage claims, please contact Gaiyo's customer support at 0900-6624649 or
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